A full crest Athenian owl with a magnificent, serene head of Athena
Los 73
ATTICA. Athens. Circa 440s-430s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25 mm, 17.19 g, 5 h). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves and palmette. Rev. AΘE Owl standing right, head facing; to left, olive sprig and crescent; all within incuse square. Kroll 8. Svoronos pls. 12-13 passim. A wonderful coin, perfectly centered on a full flan and with a magnificent, serene head of Athena. Extremely fine.

If the description 'with a full crest' was ever appropriate for an Athenian tetradrachm, then it is certainly fitting for this magnificent example. The wonderfully crafted, elegant head of the Athenian namesake has been so perfectly placed on the flan that one wonders whether the coin is a prototype intended for quality control or as a gift. Of course, this remains speculation, yet there is no denying that it is an outstanding example of classical coinage from Athens.
2500 CHF
2000 CHF
12000 CHF
Anzahl Gebote:
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 22,5% zu entrichten.

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